Contact: Maximilien Dreveton
The metric backbone of a weighted graph is the union of all-pairs shortest paths (i.e., simply remove all the edges that do not belong to the shortest path). Because (i) the metric backbone is relatively simple to build (compute all-pair shortest paths) and (ii) it preserves many properties (either exactly such as graph distances) or approximately (Page rank score, random walks, spreading processes, communities), this is a good candidate for graph sparsification [1].
In a recent work, we proved that the metric backbone preserves the community structure. We also observed numerically that the metric backbone preserves the communities better than spectral sparsifiers [2]. (This is still unpublished work but the preprint will be soon available.)
The goal of this project is to explore other potential uses of the metric backbone, for example:
This project is open for bachelor's or master's students and can be accommodated for several (2 or 3) students working together.
[1] Kalavri, V., Simas, T., & Logothetis, D. (2016). The shortest path is not always a straight line: leveraging semi-metricity in graph analysis. Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 9(9), 672-683.
[2] Spielman, D. A., & Srivastava, N. (2008). Graph sparsification by effective resistances. In Proceedings of the fortieth annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing (pp. 563-568).